Laboratory Equipment For Histology And Cytology

Laboratory Equipment For Histology And Cytology

Histology and cytology are two important branches of science and are connected to both medical and biology laboratories. There is a wide range of laboratory equipment for histology and cytology, and the most common names are rotary microtomes, Floatation Water Baths, and Catheters. Below are some basic discussions of histology and cytology lab equipment along…

Heating equipment in laboratory

Heating equipment in laboratory

There is a large number of heating equipment in laboratory available and preparing the list depends on the operation you’ll perform in the lab. Whether you need to perform distillation, the kinetics of chemical reactions, or the Determination of physical parameters, heating is an essential part of laboratories.  Below are some common Heating equipment in…

5 Forensic Lab Equipment

5 Forensic Lab Equipment

Postmortem analysis plays a crucial role in solving crimes and identifying criminals accurately and quickly. Forensic lab equipment helps forensic scientists analyze information precisely, avoiding error and maintaining a safe work environment. Whether you are planning to set up a forensic lab or want to upgrade an existing one, you must have these 5 forensic…