Types Of Laboratory

Types Of Laboratory

Laboratories developed with many varieties. Different sections do different work. Every part is influential for the science field. Each part has a different intention.

If you’re confused about the types of laboratory, just relax! you can read my whole article to remove your confusion.  I tried my best to describe these. So, let’s take a glance at this entire article to know the classification of laboratories. 

Analytical and Quality Types of Laboratory

The analytical and quality lab provides service by researching samples that can be chemical, biological, environmental, etc. This lab is researching, studying, and making reports on a particular topic. 

Clarifying, identifying, and measuring a sample is their actual intention. Several companies contract with them to analyze their product. A lab can determine all sorts of a product through a tiny sample. 

They justify what type of improvement or change the product needs or many more. Then, the owner can change or improve their product for their development and public safety. Likewise, their product has to pass all the steps before being legally approved. 

Biosafety Types Of Laboratory

The Biosafety lab is working to save humans from hazardous effects. Like

bacteria, fungi, parasites, prions, rickettsia agents, viruses, etc. They consist of 4 levels. 

Each level has a different definition. They invented life-saving therapies to use these 4 levels. These are BSL-1, BSL-2,  BSL-3, and BSL-4. According to crises, biosafety labs make vaccines, medicines, and tools so that they can save mankind. 

During research time they always wear protective attire. Otherwise, viruses can ruin them. Furthermore, they obey numerous strict regulations. 


A cleanroom works to control the environment from airborne, dust, and microbes types of aspects. They have various levels. Cleanrooms are used for medical tools, pharmaceutical tools, and electrical tools. 

Cleanrooms are required where tiny air effects can reduce the product quality. Also, a human’s activity can grow air facts. They use filters to control the outside air. Outside air needs to cross the filter to enter the room. 

The cleanrooms also purify aspects like humidity and airflow. Removing particles, pollutants, and contaminants from the environment is their main business. They purify the air by obeying their regulations. 

Clinical and Medical Types Of Laboratory

Clinical and medical labs are giving services for patient treatment and medical research. They investigate samples like feces, urine, blood, sputum, cerebrospinal fluid, synovial fluid, and infected tissue and make reports on it. 

Then, they provide solutions for the patient. Several experienced doctors and nurses are working in the lab. 

Clinical and medical labs are extremely essential in life for us. The medical field is incomplete without clinical and medical labs. Doctors depend on this lab. Doctors can identify many issues of their patients through these labs. 

Production Types Of Laboratory

Many production companies have their own lab which is called a production lab. These labs are working on their products’ improvements. 

Sizes, designs, regulations, ingredients,

advancements, etc are involved in this section. 

In the current world, everything has become very strict. A product needs to cross many regulations before being approved. That’s why in this lab they work with their products so that they can pass every situation. 

Also, these types of labs help increase business improvements. Through their research, they can add new functions or decrease old functions that their product needs with this changing time. 

Research & Development Types Of Laboratory

Research & Development laboratories are working to maintain product regulations according to the law. These are non-profit labs. This lab plays a crucial part in all kinds of labs. 

They analyze your product entirely. If something goes wrong with your product, they solve it. Mostly, For human safety, they are working. 

Before providing legally proven evidence of any product R&D check out all sorts about the product. 

Due to their research, your business can increase because you can get a concept about your product’s unnecessities and what the current world needs. After that, you can add the necessities and expel the unnecessities from your product. 

Educational Types Of Laboratory

Schools, colleges, and universities have labs to provide knowledge about science for them to learn and become successful in their career. This is a very significant part of the classification of labs. 

These labs have tools like actual labs. In the lab, they research, analyze, and make reports on various topics. Physics, chemistry, and biology are part of these labs. 

Experienced teachers of science provide teaching to the students. Any teacher of an educational institution can’t teach science students. Because they aren’t qualified. 

Educational institutions choose teachers who have the capabilities to give perfect knowledge about science and handle all the efforts of this section. 

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